一、開槽參數 (tank set up parameters)
DBR-605 : 30~50g/l
試劑硫酸 Sulfuric acid (Reagent) : 20~25g/l
二、控制參數 (coolling parameters)
DBR-605 :35~45g/l
游離酸(Free acid) : 18~28 g/l
溫度(Temp): 25~35 ℃(Depends to the color requirement)
電壓(Voltage): 10~18 V
時間(Time): 30 s 以上(30S~10min)
三、維護和管理 (maintenance and cool)
Detection of the bath conceation of DBR-605 and free sulfuric acid , according to the analysis results to adjust and add, the DBR-605 of consumption is 1.0~1.6Kg for each 100 m2 treatment.
Color coloring should not fade ,but should deepen , therefore, operators must be competent personnel, and be careful. Covered the bath to prevent contamination when stop producing.
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