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公司簡介 佛山市銘煌建筑金屬有限公司位于地理環(huán)境優(yōu)越和行業(yè)配套資源健全的廣東珠三角佛山市順德區(qū),處于粵港澳經(jīng)濟圈正中心。 公司多年來一直致力于鋁門窗和其它建筑金屬產(chǎn)品的生產(chǎn),現(xiàn)已擁有精良齊全的生產(chǎn)設(shè)備、先進的制造工藝、具備健全嚴謹?shù)墓芾碇贫群蛢?yōu)良的售后服務(wù)體系。主要生產(chǎn)的產(chǎn)品包括各式窗鎖、滑輪、合頁、插銷、把手、鉸鏈等鋁合金和塑料門窗配件及其它五金配件產(chǎn)品。公司產(chǎn)品款式新穎、品種齊全、品質(zhì)優(yōu)良、結(jié)構(gòu)準確,能滿足不同國家和地區(qū)客戶的要求,具備研發(fā)新產(chǎn)品能力。 公司積較在國內(nèi)外推廣自主品牌“銘煌”產(chǎn)品,我們愿意以精湛的品質(zhì)、優(yōu)惠的價格、完善的質(zhì)量保障售后服務(wù)條件誠懇與海內(nèi)外建筑開發(fā)商、建筑承包商、門窗幕墻公司以及建筑材料的銷售公司廣泛合作,共同為人類不斷改善提高的住宅、酒店和商務(wù)建筑提供高品質(zhì)的產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)。 Foshan Minshine Architectural Metal Co.,Ltd. Is a joint adventure factory,located in Shunde,Foshan, it’s also the center of Guangdong, Hongkong & Macao Economy Circle. We specialize in producing aluminum door and window accessories such as kinds of lock, wheel, hinge, knob and handle as well as other hardware & plastic accessories. We have completely professional equipments including zinc & aluminium alloy die casting machine, plastic injection machine, press machines and professional mould processing equipment as milling machine, lathe, grinding machine and EDM cutting machine, and there is a team of professional engineers engaged in development and design of products. We can design and manufacture products well suiting to customer request based on drawing, sample and idea of customers.We have also been dedicated to stick to the operation and management concept of seeking for survival via quality, seeking for benefit via management and seeking for development via innovation. As for the increasingly wider and more serious market competition, we will continuously serve customers and friends at domestic and abroad with first-class management, design, quality, service. We have launched “Minshine” brand covering all our products ranges and now promoting in the market, we are sincerely looking forward to cooperating with developers, contractors, fabricators and sales agents from all over the world, to jointly contribute to the improving residential, hotel and commercial buildings in your area.

從事行業(yè): 鋁型材,隔熱設(shè)備,鋁合金門窗制作工具 企業(yè)商標: 佛山市銘煌建筑金屬有限公司

企業(yè)類型: 主營:鋁門窗配件+鋁把手+合頁+斷橋把手+斷橋合頁+斷橋窗輪+鋁門窗機械+壓鑄

經(jīng)營模式: 制造商


公司名稱:佛山市銘煌建筑金屬有限公司 注冊號: 440681000132493

登記機關(guān):佛山市順德區(qū)市場監(jiān)督管理局 法人代表:楊冬梅

注冊資本: 20萬人民幣萬元 企業(yè)類型:有限責(zé)任公司(自然人投資或控股)

成立時間:2009-03-04 經(jīng)營期限: 2009-03-04|長期


經(jīng)營范圍: 生產(chǎn)、銷售:鋁門窗及配件;鋁門窗加工設(shè)備、建筑設(shè)備、建筑材料、金屬制品、塑料建筑建材制品!(依法須經(jīng)批準的項目,經(jīng)相關(guān)部門批準后方可開展經(jīng)營活動)〓
