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Suzhou Xin Jia Hao Door

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蘇州鑫家豪門業(yè)有限公司是以有經(jīng)驗生產(chǎn)滾筒式快速軟簾門、快速堆積門、、工業(yè)卷簾門、PVC透明軟門簾、感應自動門、不銹鋼門、電動卷簾門、伸縮門、道閘等,等方面的開發(fā)、設計與生產(chǎn)、銷售與一體的高新技術企業(yè)。公司實力雄厚,產(chǎn)品暢銷全國各地。以產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量為保證,以客戶滿意為宗旨,努力開拓市場。 鑫家豪公司引進法國先進的技術與設備,進口配件多樣化,多種價位可供選擇,所生產(chǎn)的產(chǎn)品具有快速,安全,無噪音,防塵,防止室內(nèi)外空氣對流,提高車間環(huán)境及衛(wèi)生,使用壽命長等特點。鑫家豪產(chǎn)品廣泛用于食品、電子、紡織、印刷、包裝、冷藏環(huán)境、汽車裝配、化工、制藥、機械、物流倉儲,使用于室內(nèi)外門出入場所等領域,以其具有匠心功能的設計,專為不同類型的客戶量身定做。   鑫家豪人誠望通過我們的共同努力將一如既往,堅持以:質(zhì)量靠前、信譽至上為宗旨,以更安全,更快速,更效率高的服務為保障,把較優(yōu)異的產(chǎn)品奉獻給您。 Xin Jia Hao French company to introduce advanced technology and equipment, accessories imports diversification, a variety of price points are available, the production of products with fast, safe, no noise, dust, to prevent the indoor and outdoor air convection, improve workshop environment and health, long life and other characteristics. Xin Jia Hao products are widely used in food, electronics, textile, printing, packaging, cold storage environment, automobile assembly, chemical, pharmaceutical, machinery, logistics warehousing, used in indoor door admission areas such as to its function, have great originality design, specifically for different types of customers tailored. Xin Jia Hao people sincerely hope that through our joint efforts will as in the past, adhere to: quality first, reputation first for the purpose, to a safer, faster, more efficient service for the protection, to the best quality products dedicated to you. Suzhou Xin Jia Hao Door is specialized in the production of drum type rapid soft curtain door, rapid accumulation of doors, shutter doors, industrial, PVC transparent soft door, automatic doors, stainless steel doors, electric shutter doors, retractable doors, gates, and other aspects of the development, design and production, sales and integration high and new technology enterprises. The strength of the company, selling products throughout the country. In order to ensure product quality, customer satisfaction as the purpose, strive to open up the market.


從事行業(yè): 門窗型材,保溫材料 企業(yè)商標: 蘇州鑫家豪門業(yè)有限公司

企業(yè)類型: 股份有限公司 主營:PVC快速門,堆積式抗風門,不銹鋼感應門,電動感應門,伸縮門,道閘,鋁合金卷簾門,水晶門

經(jīng)營模式: 制造商


公司名稱:蘇州鑫家豪門業(yè)有限公司 注冊號: 320512000174480

登記機關:蘇州市吳中區(qū)市場監(jiān)督管理局 法人代表:李瓊花

注冊資本: 1000萬人民幣萬元 企業(yè)類型:有限責任公司

成立時間:2012-08-08 經(jīng)營期限: 2012-08-08至2022-08-07


經(jīng)營范圍: 生產(chǎn)、加工、銷售、安裝:各類卷簾門、伸縮門、感應玻璃門、防火門、抗火門、自動門、堆積門、旋轉(zhuǎn)門、停車場設備、崗亭。自營和代理各類商品及技術的進出口業(yè)務(國家限定企業(yè)經(jīng)營或禁止進出口的商品和技術除外)。(依法須經(jīng)批準的項目,經(jīng)相關部門批準后方可開展經(jīng)營活動)
