


鋁道網(wǎng)  >  鋁設(shè)備 >  鋁鑄造設(shè)備  > 鑄造機  > 伺服電子壓力機BSW08S-5T



86900 元/臺

  • 單價:電議
  • 最小起訂量: 1
  • 所在地:
  • 供貨總量: 10
  • 發(fā)布時間:2023-09-22



設(shè) 備 名 稱:BSW08-500KG系列準(zhǔn)確伺服壓力機
Equipment name: BSW08-500KG electronic press

    外 形 尺 寸: 620X755X2000mm(長X寬X高)

Dimensions: 620X755X2000mm (length X width X height)

設(shè) 備 重 量: 約350kg

Equipment weight: about 350kg

設(shè) 備 功 率: 0.75KW  (Equipment Power: 0.75KW)

工 作 電 壓: 單相AC220V,50HZ

Wong voltage: single phase AC220V, 50HZ

環(huán) 境 溫 度: 0—40OC

Environmental temperature: 0-40OC

 壓 力: 500kgf       

Maximum pressure: 500kgf

壓力使用范圍: 30-500kgf

Pressure range: 30-500kgf

壓力設(shè)定單位: 1Kgf

Pressure setting unit: 1Kgf

 行 程:  200mm

Maximum travel: 200mm


Displacement repeatability: ?0.01mm

壓 裝 速 度:  0.1-35mm/s

Pressing speed: 0.1-35mm/s

快 進 速 度:  10-100mm/s

Fast forward speed: 10-100mm/s

保 壓 時 間:  0-99S

Pressure holding time: 0-99S

壓力重復(fù)精度: ?1%

Pressure repeatability: ?1%



1.3設(shè)備功能與特性Device     function 




    壓裝模式:Operating mode:

  1. 恒定壓裝速度,設(shè)定位置停止;

    Constant press speed, set the exact position to stop;

  2. 恒定壓裝速度,設(shè)定壓力停止;

    Constant press speed, set precise pressure stop;

  3. 恒定壓裝速度,設(shè)定位移停止;

    Constant press speed, set precise displacement stop;

    質(zhì)量判定功能:Quality judgment function:


    Online quality inspection function ensures product quality; up to 5 detection sampling points can be set freely within a certain range.


    參數(shù)報表儲存功能:Parameter report storage function:


    Through the USB interface connection, the results of the press-fit operation data can be stored in the U disk in an orderly manner. To ensure traceability of product data, effective cool of production quality.

    觸摸式控制屏:Touch cool screen:

    選用大屏幕高彩液晶觸摸屏及組態(tài)軟件的無缺配合,提供了友好的人機對話功能。The perfect combination of large-screen high-color LCD touch screen and configuration software provides friendly human-machine dialogue.

    自診斷功能:Self-diagnosis function:

    設(shè)備發(fā)生故障,電子壓力機能顯示錯誤信息,并提示解決方案,方便很快找出問題并解決。If the equipment fails, the electronic press can display an error message and prompt the solution to quickly find the problem and solve it.

    多功能1/O通迅接口:Multi-function 1/O communication interface:


    Through this interface, it can communicate with external devices for convenient and fully automated integration;

    環(huán)保、節(jié)能、安全:Environmental protection, energy saving and



    通過交流伺服電機驅(qū)動電子壓力能提供潔凈的工作環(huán)境。伺服壓裝機和氣壓、液壓設(shè)備相比節(jié)能80%,為了確保安全,電子壓力機設(shè)置了安全防護電路。Driving an electronic pressure through an AC servo motor provides a clean wong environment. The servo press is 80% energy efficient compared to pneumatic and hydraulic equipment. To ensure safety, the electronic press is equipped with a safety protection circuit.



  1. 該設(shè)備機體上有指定吊裝位,請注意設(shè)備上部吊裝孔位置;

    The device has a specified lifting position on the body, please pay attention to the position of the lifting hole on the upper part of the device;

    2.接通電源前,請檢查電源電壓以及容量(單相220V?10% ,50Hz,0.75KW)。Before turning on the power, check the power supply voltage and capacity (single phase 220V ? 10%, 50Hz, 0.75KW).



    2.2設(shè)備調(diào)試前的準(zhǔn)備Preparation     before equipment commissioning 




1. BSW08系列伺服壓力機定位后,通過水平尺調(diào)節(jié)設(shè)備工作臺面處于水平狀態(tài);并進行下列檢查:After the BSW08 series electronic press is positioned, the wong surface of the equipment is leveled by the level gauge; and the following checks are performed:

※ 電氣連接要合乎電氣安裝規(guī)范;

Electrical connections must comply with electrical installation specifications;

 ※ 設(shè)備接地保持良好;

The equipment grounding is kept good;

※ 按鈕、指示燈功能正常;

The button and indicator light function normally.

 ※ 設(shè)備接通、斷開動作可靠;

The device is connected and disconnected reliably;

  ※ 緊固件無松動;The fastener is not loose;

2. 設(shè)備準(zhǔn)備狀態(tài):Equipment preparation status:


Turn clockwise to open the stop button;





Put the main power circuit breaker on the side of the equipment and the coollable power switch in the electric box to the ON state;

C. 點壓操作面板上的“系統(tǒng)開啟”按鈕,接通電源;

Press the “System On” button on the operation panel to turn on the power;


The power indicator is on, and the device is ready for work.











啟動按鈕start up button


Trigger start with both hands (semi-automatic mode)


In order to ensure the operator's personal safety, the device sets the startup device to the two-hand trigger start mode, and presses the start button simultaneously with both hands within 0.3 seconds, the press machine automatically starts and completes a work cycle;



B: Inching start (manual mode)

緊急停止  emergency stop


In any state (except the setting state) as an emergency stop, in the event of an emergency, press the emergency stop button, the device will be in the pause state, the device can not enter the next action, only the manual counterclockwise rotation button, let the button release In order to run normally


系統(tǒng)啟動System startup


When the external power is turned on (the main switch is closed), press the button and the device cool system is powered on. When not using the device for a long time, be sure to turn off the main circuit power switch (circuit breaker main switch)

復(fù)位開關(guān)   Reset switch


If the device is pressed during operation, the device will be slowly reset to the wong origin.

三 色 燈   Three-color light


Real-time display of the current wong status of the device

  1. 綠燈閃亮:  工作中

    The green light is shining: at work

  2. 黃燈閃亮:  待機中

    Yellow light flashes: Standby

    3. 紅燈閃亮: 異常啟動緊急信號

    Red light flashes: abnormal alarm

    蜂 鳴 器  Buzzer

    設(shè)備在運行中發(fā)生異常情況下,蜂鳴器會發(fā)出“嗶!嗶!嗶!”短促的提示音When the device is abnormal during operation, the buzzer will sound “bi! bi! bi!”


    USB插槽   USB slot


    Insert the USB flash drive into the USB slot to export all the press-fit data in the touch screen.

       I/O接口(選配)I/O interface (optional)


    Online use with external equipment or fixtures

       觸 摸 屏   touch screen

    觸摸式組態(tài)功能顯示屏,進行系統(tǒng)和程序參數(shù)設(shè)置,顯示當(dāng)前設(shè)備狀態(tài)等功能Touch configuration function display, system and program parameter setting, display current device status and other functions




    3.2  操作前準(zhǔn)備Preparation     before operation 




3.2.1  周邊檢查Peripheral inspection


Before starting the machine, check if there are any obstacles in the effective stroke of the lower end of the pressure push rod.

3.2.2  接通電源  Power on


Turn on the external power supply and turn the external circuit breaker and the circuit breaker inside the electrical box to the ON state.

3.2.3  系統(tǒng)開啟System open


Press the “System Start” button, the power is turned on and the system is turned on.

3.2.4  設(shè)備復(fù)位  Device reset


After entering the operating system, press “click to enter” in the screen, the device will enter the initialization state, and the electric cylinder will be slowly reset to the factory origin position.

      1.   運  行  Running


        After the initialization is completed, the device enters the standby state; set the relevant production parameters, press the double "start button", the device enters the running state










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