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2003/12/05 00:00:00


阿拉伯鋁工業(yè)會(huì)展 阿拉伯鋁工業(yè)會(huì)展(ARABAL 2004)將于2004年4月19日―21日在巴林理茲卡爾敦飯店舉行,目標(biāo)是球鋁工業(yè)界600位高級(jí)人士參加。該會(huì)展在科威特、阿聯(lián)酋、埃及和巴林輪流舉行,每?jī)赡昱e行一次。2004年的會(huì)展將就全球鋁工業(yè)當(dāng)前面臨的主要問(wèn)題、海灣地區(qū)在世界鋁工業(yè)發(fā)展中的重要作用和鋁工業(yè)的發(fā)展機(jī)會(huì)等課題展開(kāi)討論。同時(shí)舉行鋁業(yè)專(zhuān)家國(guó)際“電子”展覽和25個(gè)實(shí)物展臺(tái)。 已經(jīng)確定到會(huì)發(fā)表講話(huà)的知名人士有: 1.Mr. Alain Belda, Chairman of the board & chief executive officer of Aluminium Company of Zmerica, USA. 2. Mr. Adrian Zaccaria, President & Chief Operating of Bechtel Corporation, USA. 3. Mr. Richard B. Evans, Executive Vice President-Office of the President of Alcan Inc., Canada. 4. Mr. J. P. Rodier, Chairman of the board & chief Executive officer of Pechiney, France. 5. Mr. Guo Shengkun, President, Chairman and chief executive officer of Aluminium Corporation of China and Aluminium Corporation of China Ltd., China. 6. Mr. J. Boardman, Chief executive officer of Dubai Aluminium Company Ltd., UAE. 7. Mr. Mohideen Zaki, President of Factories and Industries of Egypt Aluminium, Egypt. 8. Dr. toni Manechaux, Director of National Materials Advisory Board, USA. 9. Mr. Rod Kinkead-Weekes, Marketing Director of BHP Billiton, UK. 10. Mr. Neil Banks, Director of Operations of London metal Exchange, UK. 11. Mr. John Martin, Aluminiu Business Unit-Manager of CRU International Ltd., UK. 12. Mr. James Salter, Senor Metasl Analystof Metal Bulletin Research, UK. 13. Mr. Mohammed Al Musallam, Secretary General of General Organisation for Industrial Consulting, Qatar. 14. Mr. Patrick Bechett, Commercial Manager and Chief Financial Officer of Gulf Alminium rolling Mills Company, Bahrain. 15. Mr. Behnam Dawani, Superintendent Calcining of Aluminium Bahrain, Bahrain. 聯(lián)系辦法是:P. O. Box 20196, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain, Tel: 00973-534001, Fax: 00973-534002, E-mail: mice@batelco.com.bh Website: www.albasmelter.com/arabal.


