您當(dāng)前位置:首頁 > 展會(huì) > 國內(nèi)展會(huì) > 2017立嘉國際高精鋁材深加工展覽會(huì)


  • 開幕日期:2017年05月25日
  • 閉幕日期:2017年05月28日
  • 展會(huì)城市:重慶
  • 展會(huì)場(chǎng)館:重慶國際博覽中心
  • 展會(huì)狀態(tài):展會(huì)結(jié)束








關(guān)于西南市場(chǎng) 立嘉國際機(jī)械展覽會(huì)致力于推廣行業(yè)新技術(shù)、新工藝、新設(shè)備,為西南地區(qū)為主的企業(yè)提供多方位服務(wù):

■ 西南人口約1.8億,GDP產(chǎn)值約7萬億元;2016上半年部分省市GDP增速及排名,重慶增速10.6%領(lǐng)跑,貴州增速10.5%,四川增速7.5%,云南增速6.6%;

■ 重慶——國家“一帶一路”戰(zhàn)略及長江經(jīng)濟(jì)帶節(jié)點(diǎn)、渝新歐國際貿(mào)易大通道起點(diǎn)、西南地區(qū)保稅物流分撥中心、內(nèi)陸鐵路樞紐口岸等;

■ 本區(qū)域機(jī)械制造業(yè)主要包括:汽車整車及零部件制造、摩托車整車及零部件制造、國防軍工、航空航天、電子IT、裝備制造業(yè)、軌道交通裝備及關(guān)聯(lián)制造、船舶工業(yè)、石油裝備及關(guān)聯(lián)制造等;  

■ 貴州專業(yè)用戶數(shù)量達(dá)到3076家,主要分布于航空航天制造、汽車整車及零部件制造、電子產(chǎn)業(yè)、機(jī)械制造等。

■ 上屆共有來自美國、歐洲、日本、韓國、臺(tái)灣等十余個(gè)國家和地區(qū)參展企業(yè)868家,展出面積75000平方米;

■ 9911家用戶及科研院校共30073名專業(yè)觀眾;

■ 預(yù)計(jì)本屆展會(huì)900家企業(yè)參展,展出面積78000平方米,觀眾為10000家32000-35000名

為什么選擇立嘉機(jī)械展 Why select CWMTE? 十八年積淀:展會(huì)自2000年創(chuàng)辦以來,以國際化的視角呈現(xiàn)機(jī)械加工行業(yè)的全方位產(chǎn)品內(nèi)容,專為滿足中西部市場(chǎng)的獨(dú)特需求,17年來展會(huì)規(guī)模、展商數(shù)、觀眾數(shù)等均創(chuàng)新高,成為買家及用戶必選及參觀展會(huì);




● 多角度呈現(xiàn)智能制造技術(shù):以西南地區(qū)需求為導(dǎo)向,匯聚世界更多智能制造技術(shù)及設(shè)備、新產(chǎn)品發(fā)布、解決方案、 行業(yè)發(fā)展討論等,豐富展會(huì)內(nèi)容,增強(qiáng)展會(huì)水平與影響力

● 深入市場(chǎng)需求: 從2016年12月起,將聯(lián)合相關(guān)協(xié)會(huì)、企業(yè)等在郫縣、雙流、龍泉驛、德陽、綿陽、貴陽、遵義、璧山、江津、北碚等重點(diǎn)工業(yè)聚集區(qū)舉辦對(duì)接交流活動(dòng),根據(jù)用戶需求組織展品及技術(shù)交流會(huì);

● 展會(huì)宜人性改善:進(jìn)一步改善會(huì)期如空氣質(zhì)量、舒適度、便利性等參展環(huán)境,優(yōu)化改善參展程序, 大力推動(dòng)觀眾會(huì)前預(yù)約展商,推介更便捷的參觀服務(wù)等。


■ 智能制造企業(yè)家大會(huì)   主題創(chuàng)新  1000人規(guī)模;

■第二屆中國高精鋁材深加工論壇    500人規(guī)模;

■ 第八屆軍工制造業(yè)數(shù)字化交流會(huì)  500人規(guī)模;

■ 中國西部鈑金行業(yè)產(chǎn)業(yè)論壇,500人規(guī)模

■ 第四屆激光加工技術(shù)及裝備應(yīng)用論壇

■ 國內(nèi)外工業(yè)機(jī)器人應(yīng)用技術(shù)交流會(huì)

■ 2017鍛壓廠長、經(jīng)理交流會(huì)

■ “裝備制造業(yè)媒體總編看重慶” 知名行業(yè)媒體重慶路演活動(dòng);

■ 行業(yè)協(xié)會(huì)年會(huì)及學(xué)術(shù)會(huì)議:重慶鑄造協(xié)會(huì)、重慶模具工業(yè)協(xié)會(huì)、重慶鍛壓協(xié)會(huì)、重慶材料學(xué)會(huì)、成都鈑金協(xié)會(huì)、    中國鋁業(yè)行業(yè)協(xié)會(huì)等協(xié)會(huì)舉辦相關(guān)年會(huì);

■ 西南地區(qū)相關(guān)產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈互補(bǔ)秘書長會(huì)議:

■ “數(shù)字制造示范區(qū)”:圍繞西部產(chǎn)業(yè)結(jié)構(gòu)及特點(diǎn),涵蓋上下產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈;不僅展示每一個(gè)行業(yè)專業(yè)領(lǐng)域的高技術(shù),還通過“示范區(qū)”呈現(xiàn)各種技術(shù)之間關(guān)聯(lián)性。



▲ 箱體類零件智能生產(chǎn)線;

▲ 鈑金類零件智能生產(chǎn)線;

▲ 傳動(dòng)類零件自動(dòng)化生產(chǎn)線;

▲ 盤類零件自動(dòng)化生產(chǎn)線;

▲ 異形零件加工及解決方案;

▲ 高效齒輪加工設(shè)備及測(cè)量技術(shù)。






















展商布展時(shí)間:2017年5月22-23日          8:30-20:00                 2017年5月24日             8:30-22:00

觀眾開放時(shí)間:2017年5月25-27日          9:30-16:45                 2017年5月28日             9:30-13:30

展商撤展時(shí)間:2017年5月28日             14:00-24:00                 2017年5月29日             8:30-18:00

展品范圍 Range of exhibits 各類高精鋁材/鋁制品等;鋁深加工裝備/設(shè)備配件/深加工相關(guān)輔材/產(chǎn)品應(yīng)用/鋁分離/處理和提煉裝備 壓鑄機(jī)/壓鑄周邊設(shè)備/壓鑄件/熔煉/輔料耗材/壓鑄軟件/低壓鑄造后加工和表面處理設(shè)備、鑄造設(shè)備暨原輔材料; 檢測(cè)設(shè)備; 熱處理、工業(yè)爐;  



力勁集團(tuán) 重慶力勁機(jī)械有限公司總經(jīng)理 白茂林 力勁集團(tuán)成立于1979年,這次展會(huì)主要展出了我們的IMPRESS- III系列、IMPRESS-Plus系列。重點(diǎn)展示了在智能制造、節(jié)能環(huán)保應(yīng)用方面新的技術(shù)。同時(shí)也希望通過展會(huì)推動(dòng)西南地區(qū)客戶產(chǎn)業(yè)自動(dòng)化的升級(jí),同時(shí)實(shí)現(xiàn)中國制造2025及工業(yè)4.0。通過與立嘉展會(huì)多年全面的合作,雙方合作默契,立嘉給了力勁很大的支持,同時(shí)我們也很認(rèn)可立嘉展會(huì)的專業(yè)性。

四川省青城機(jī)械有限公司 張先生 我們公司組織了十幾個(gè)人過來觀展,主要任務(wù)是采購鑄造設(shè)備、檢測(cè)儀 器、熱處理設(shè)備等,同時(shí)學(xué)習(xí)一下新技術(shù)、新理念,目前已在現(xiàn)場(chǎng)采買到我們所需要的產(chǎn)品了。

易拓威(上海)機(jī)器人科技有限公司總監(jiān)劉大偉 這次展臺(tái)展出的產(chǎn)品主要是:機(jī)器人、桁架機(jī)械手和 AGV 產(chǎn)品。本屆立嘉展會(huì),齊聚了很多來自北京、上海等的行業(yè)內(nèi)的老朋友,立嘉展的服務(wù)得到了行業(yè)內(nèi)同仁的認(rèn)可。前兩天的展出效果,遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)超出了我們的預(yù)期。我們也希望能夠和立嘉展會(huì)長期合作,共同開發(fā)西南地區(qū)市場(chǎng)。

展位規(guī)格及價(jià)格 A區(qū)價(jià)格B區(qū)價(jià)格 B 空地 升級(jí)標(biāo)展  空地  升級(jí)標(biāo)展  

900元/m2 RMB 900 / m2 9000元/個(gè) RMB 9,000 / Booth 800元/m2 RMB 800 / m2 8000元/個(gè) RMB 8,000 / Booth

■ 技術(shù)交流會(huì):8000元/場(chǎng)(2小時(shí))、配置為60人劇院式、配套投影儀、標(biāo)準(zhǔn)背景板、音響、話筒、筆記本電腦、礦泉水、紙、筆。


■ 廣告征訂以整體訂做為主,零星訂做為輔;

■ 組織機(jī)構(gòu)有權(quán)根據(jù)總體規(guī)化,調(diào)整廣告布局;

■ 如需保留訂做的廣告制品,須在合同上注明,并于展會(huì)撤展當(dāng)天到現(xiàn)場(chǎng)組委會(huì)辦公室接洽;

■ 其他特殊廣告將結(jié)合展商要求來確認(rèn)相關(guān)事宜;

■ 更多廣告歡迎與業(yè)務(wù)人員洽談。



重慶市經(jīng)濟(jì)與信息化委員會(huì)  重慶市商業(yè)委員會(huì) 重慶市立嘉會(huì)議展覽有限公司


中國機(jī)械工業(yè)聯(lián)合會(huì)                國家國防科技工業(yè)局信息中心     中國鋁業(yè)協(xié)會(huì)                重慶市鑄造學(xué)會(huì)                    成都市機(jī)械制造業(yè)商會(huì)           四川省國防科技工業(yè)協(xié)會(huì) 重慶鑄造行業(yè)協(xié)會(huì)                  成都市鈑金行業(yè)協(xié)會(huì)             四川省模具工業(yè)協(xié)會(huì) 重慶市模具工業(yè)協(xié)會(huì)                成都市模具工業(yè)協(xié)會(huì)             德陽市工商業(yè)聯(lián)合會(huì)機(jī)械同業(yè)商會(huì) 重慶鍛壓行業(yè)協(xié)會(huì)                  成都經(jīng)濟(jì)技術(shù)開發(fā)區(qū)模具工業(yè)協(xié)會(huì) 武漢. 中國光谷激光行業(yè)協(xié)會(huì) 重慶市機(jī)器人與智能裝備產(chǎn)業(yè)聯(lián)合會(huì)  重慶市機(jī)器人學(xué)會(huì)               重慶市造船工程學(xué)會(huì)           重慶市職工技協(xié)焊接協(xié)會(huì)     

承辦單位 Sponsors




地址:重慶市南坪海銅路1號(hào)鉆石國際寫字樓15A03 電話:023-86376302              






Eighteenth the 2017 International Machinery Fair


2017 Li Jia international high precision aluminum processing Exhibition


May 2017 25-28 day


Chongqing International Expo Center




Chongqing Municipal Conference & Exhibition Co., Ltd.


About the southwest market Li Jia International Machinery Exhibition is committed to promoting the industry of new technologies, new processes, new equipment, providing services to the southwest oriented enterprises:


In the southwest of a population of about 180 million, GDP value of about 7 trillion yuan; the first half of 2016 provinces GDP growth and growth in Chongqing ranked 10.6% to lead the Guizhou Sichuan, the growth rate of 10.5%, the growth rate of 7.5%, the growth rate of 6.6% in Yunnan;


- Chongqing - the country "The Belt and Road" strategy and node of the Yangtze River economic belt, Chongqing New Europe international trade channels starting point, bonded logistics distribution center in Southwest China, inland railway hub port;


In the area of mechanical manufacturing industry mainly includes: Automobile and parts manufacturing, motorcycle and parts manufacturing, military, aerospace, electronic IT, equipment manufacturing, rail transportation equipment and related manufacturing, shipbuilding, petroleum and related equipment manufacturing etc.;


Guizhou - number of professional users reached 3076, mainly distributed in aerospace manufacturing, automobile and parts manufacturing, electronic industry, machinery manufacturing and so on.


- the total from the United States, Europe, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and other countries and regions more than 868 exhibitors, the exhibition area of 75000 square meters;


- 9911 users and research institutions a total of 30073 professional visitors;


- the exhibition is expected 900 exhibitors, the exhibition area of 78000 square meters, the audience is 10000 32000-35000


Why choose Why select CWMTE Li Ka machinery exhibition? Eighteen years of accumulation: the exhibition since its inception in 2000, the full range of product presentation machinery processing industry by the international view, designed to meet the unique needs of the market, in 17 years the size of the exhibition, exhibitors, view modes are high, and the user must become buyers and the exhibition;


Together: the exhibition in addition to the Chongqing municipal government departments, China Machinery Industry Federation, the national defense science and Industry Bureau Information Center, Chinese Aluminum Association co host, more than 20 central and western regions of the relevant industry associations and hundreds of local dealers jointly organized the exhibition, Lord, and more than 200 industry media publicity;


Build six special exhibition on the industry chain docking platform: industrial automation, metal cutting machine, forming machine and sheet metal processing, aluminum products, aluminum casting and heat treatment, processing equipment, mold manufacturing, defense intelligence and other six professional exhibition, focusing on brand display, new technology promotion, to provide application solutions led display, set up observation, learning, communication and procurement platform.


Exhibition innovation


The multi angle intelligent manufacturing technology in southwest demand, brought together more intelligent world manufacturing technology and equipment, new products, solutions, the development of the industry to discuss, enrich the exhibition content, enhance the level and influence


Demand - depth market: from December 2016 onwards, the joint associations, enterprises in Pixian, Longquanyi, Deyang, Shuangliu, Mianyang, Guiyang, Zunyi, Bishan, Jiangjin, Beibei and other key industrial areas held docking exchanges, according to the needs of users exhibits and technology exchange;


Improve the amenity of the exhibition: to further improve the meeting period such as air quality, comfort, convenience and other exhibition environment, optimize and improve the participation process, and vigorously promote the audience before the appointment of exhibitors, promote more convenient service


Exhibition event


- intelligent manufacturing Entrepreneurs Conference Theme innovation 1000 scale;


In the second Chinese high-precision aluminum deep processing scale of 500 forum;


- eighth military manufacturing digital exchanges will 500 scale;


In the West China sheet metal industry industry forum, the scale of 500


In the fourth session of the laser processing technology and equipment Application Forum


In the domestic and foreign technical exchange on industrial robot application


2017 - forging factory director, manager of exchange


In the equipment manufacturing industry in Chongqing well-known media editor of "media industry Chongqing roadshow;


- Industry Association annual meeting and conference: Chongqing Foundry Association, Chongqing Mould Industry Association, Chongqing Forging Association, Chongqing Institute of materials, Chengdu Metal Association, China Aluminum Industry Association and other related association annual meeting;


In the southwest industrial chain related complementary Secretary meeting:


In the "digital manufacturing demonstration zone" around the structure and characteristics of the western industry, covering the industrial chain; not only to show the high technology in every industry field, but also through the "demonstration zone" showing the relevance among various techniques.


Automobile class


The Aluminum Alloy intelligent deep processing production line


The intelligent box type parts production line;


The sheet metal parts of intelligent production line;


The transmission parts automatic production line;


The disk type parts automatic production line;


The abnormal parts and solution processing;


The high gear machining equipment and measuring technology.


Aerospace class


High performance aluminum alloy material processing and Application Technology


Machining technology and machine tools of spiral multi turn;


Large aircraft components for machine tools and cutting tools requirements and process technology


High performance machining technology of titanium alloy structural parts


High performance machining technology of composite materials


Advanced digital detection technology


Adaptive machining technology for aviation parts


Digital manufacturing equipment fault early warning and diagnosis technology


Key technology and equipment of intelligent manufacturing workshop


Comprehensive class


High quality aluminum alloy deep processing equipment and technology


Heavy machining technology and reliability of NC machine tools;


Super deep hole machining technology and special requirements for machine tools, cutting tools and cooling systems;


The application of intelligent measurement technology in manufacturing;


The metal plate, plate processing;


The mobile phone and tablet computer, processing technology;


The aluminum finishing industry docking;


The Organizing Committee of the above theme seminar is unit, welcome to provide more activity needs, together to create more brilliant period of activity,


Specific contact: 023-86376300




Exhibitors exhibit time: May 2017 22-23, May 24, 2017 8:30-20:00 8:30-22:00


Opening hours: May 2017 25-27 9:30-16:45 9:30-13:30 on May 28, 2017


Exhibitors show time: May 28, 2017 14:00-24:00 May 29, 2017 8:30-18:00


Range of exhibits exhibits all kinds of high-precision aluminum / aluminum products; aluminum processing equipment / Accessories / processing / application / product related auxiliary separation processing and refining equipment / aluminum die-casting machine / die-casting peripheral equipment / die casting / melting / casting / software / materials after low pressure casting processing and surface treatment equipment. Casting equipment and raw materials; testing equipment; heat treatment furnace;


Yamazaki (China) Co. Ltd. Chongqing branch general manager Guo Dunwei


Chongqing Lijia exhibition based in Chongqing, radiation southwest provinces, in the industry is a very influential exhibition. We have more than 10 consecutive marzak in Lijia Machinery Exhibition. So this time we brought in the highest level in the industry of the 5 devices, including our Liaoning factory workers and two lathe about measuring center. Ningxia Yinchuan little giant factory production of two vertical and horizontal machining as well as our headquarters in Japan imported equipment. Welcome to visit the exhibition.


The general manager of Chongqing Group Ltd. Bai Maolin group was founded in 1979, the exhibition featured our IMPRESS- III series, IMPRESS-Plus series. The show focused on Application in intelligent manufacturing, energy saving and environmental protection new technology. At the same time also hope to promote the upgrading of industrial automation in southwest customers through the exhibition, and China manufacturing 2025 and 4.0. with the Li Jia Industrial Cooperation Exhibition for many years comprehensive cooperation between the two sides, the tacit understanding, Lijia gave Jin great support, at the same time we also recognized professional Lijia exhibition.


Sichuan Qingcheng Machinery Co. Ltd. Mr. Zhang, our company organized a dozen people over the exhibition, the main task is the procurement of casting equipment, testing equipment, heat treatment equipment, at the same time to learn about new technologies, new ideas, has been in the field of buy products we need.


Excelstor Wei (Shanghai) robot technology Co. Ltd. director Liu Dawei booth the products on display are mainly: the robot manipulators and AGV products. The Lijia exhibition, gathered a lot from Beijing, Shanghai and other old friends in the industry, Lijia exhibition service has been recognized by the industry Tongren. Two days ago the effect of display, far beyond our expectations. We also hope to be able to show and Lijia long-term cooperation and common development of the southwest market.


Booth specification and price A area price B area price B open space upgrade exhibition space upgrade Exhibition


900 yuan /m2 RMB / m2 9000 yuan / RMB / Booth $800 /m2 RMB / m2 8000 yuan / RMB / 8000 / Booth


- Technical Exchange: 8000 yuan / (2 hours), 60 theatre style configuration, supporting the projector, the standard background board, speaker, microphone, notebook computer, mineral water, paper and pen.




- advertising subscription to the overall order based, supplemented by sporadic order;


- organization has the right to adjust the layout of the overall planning, advertising;


- if you need to retain customized advertising products, shall be specified in the contract, and in the office of the Organizing Committee of the scene to show any contact;


- other special advertising will combine the exhibitors request to confirm related matters;


- welcome more advertising and business personnel to negotiate.






Chongqing Municipal Committee of Chongqing Municipal Economic and Information Technology Commission, Chongqing Municipal Conference & Exhibition Co., Ltd.


Joint Organizer


China Machinery Industry Association Information Center of the national defense science and Technology Industry Association of Chongqing City Bureau of China aluminum casting machinery manufacturing industry association of Chengdu City Chamber of Commerce of Sichuan province National Defense Science and Technology Industry Association of Chongqing Mould Industry Association of Chengdu Mould Industry Association of Chongqing City Industry Association of Chengdu City sheet metal industry Association of Sichuan Province mold industry association of Deyang City Federation of industry and Commerce Machinery Association Chongqing forging mould industry association of Chengdu economic and Technological Development Zone Industry Association of Wuhan. Optics Valley Chinese Laser Industry Association of Chongqing City robotics and intelligent equipment industry association of Chongqing City, the Robotics Institute of Chongqing Shipbuilding Engineering Institute of Chongqing City Zhigongjixie Welding Association


Organizer Sponsors


Chongqing Municipal Conference & Exhibition Co., Ltd.


For more details, please contact:


Chongqing Municipal Conference & Exhibition Co., Ltd.


Address: Chongqing City, Nanping sea Copper Road No. 1 Diamond International Office Tel: 023-86376302 15A03


Fax: 023-86376323




URL: www.cwmte.com.cn/chongqing


Contact: Wang Yi 15683424285


Registration deadline: April 20, 2017


地址:重慶市南坪海銅路1號(hào)鉆石國際寫字樓15A03 聯(lián)系人:王怡 電話:023-86376302 傳真:023-86376323 手機(jī):15683424285 電子郵件:15683424285@163.com


主辦單位:重慶市經(jīng)濟(jì)與信息化委員會(huì) 、重慶市商業(yè)委員會(huì) 、重慶市立嘉會(huì)議展覽有限公司

承辦單位:中國鋁業(yè)協(xié)會(huì)、中國機(jī)械工業(yè)聯(lián)合會(huì) 、 國家國防科技工業(yè)局信息中心、重慶市鑄造學(xué)會(huì)




